Name:  Wally Wright

My car:

62 Karmann Hardtop Cabriolet conversion.

Tip-off that a 356 was the car for me:

Heavy breathing...POR-shuh, POR-shuh, POR-shuh.

My age when I acquired my first 356:

19, in 1960 a very good year, I've had five Porsches since that first Speedster.

Engine type:


Miles driven per year:

Not nearly enuf.

Favorite destination:

Mazomanie Wisconsin, my grandma's hometown.

Fantasy road trip:

The Alps, Bavaria, and I still love Southern Wisconsin.

Most inconvenient mechanical failure:

Lost the shift lever's connection to the transmission on a road trip with the Midwest 356 Club.   My wife says the guys were like ants on a crumb, fixing that car.

Car I'd have if I couldn't have a 356:

Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint Veloce 101.

What I like most about my car:

The 356's iconic two teardrop profile.

Most unique feature:

All it shares with other cars is the road... and mine used to be a hardtop.

Most recent repair:

We changed the carbs from the Webers I bought it with back to the original Solexes, it runs great!

Longest drive so far:

The 2007 East Coast Holiday in Harbor Springs Michigan, my first hometown.

Next project with this car:

Curt Crowell and I are changing my tub’s slipping clutch.