1963 356B T6 coupe.
Tip-off that a 356 was the car for me:When Julie saw one this color parked on the street in downtown Carmel, CA.
My age when I acquired my first 356:60.
Engine type:75 hp S Original engine.
Miles driven per year:500.
Favorite destination:Car show or out to dinner.
Fantasy road trip:Down the California coast on Highway 1.
Most inconvenient mechanical failure:CV boot tear.
Car I'd have if I couldn't have a 356:Early 911.
What I like most about my car:How solid it is.
Most unique feature:Color is Smyrna Green, a one year only color.
Most recent repair:CV boot.
Longest drive so far:125 miles one way to Elkhart Lake.
Next project with this car:Instrument lights need repair.